How to Create & Update SharePoint Modern List and Library Views

What is a list or library view?

SharePoint List and Library Views are used to show your list items or library files in an organized way or based on how you want the users to see them or interact with them. You can select which columns you want to display, add filters, sort items and group them. There are two types of view that you can make – a Private View and a Public View. Only the users who created the view can see the Private View. While in the Public View, everyone that has permission on the list can see it.

How to create a view?

When you create a list, there is a default public view named All Items. You can either save the default view as a new view or create a new one.

Create new view

If you want to create a new view without using an existing view, use the Create new view button. Click View Options on the right side of the list’s command bar.

Lists and Libraries Views

Click the Create new view button. Then Enter the View name.

Lists and Libraries Views

As you can see, there are different kinds of views that you can create. The options are List, Calendar, and Gallery.

  • List – shows all the items in a list manner. You can choose columns that you want to display on the list.
  • Calendar – shows the items in a calendar view. On this view, the columns that are displayed are only the Title, the start date, and the end date.
  • Gallery – shows the items in a gallery view. You can select the columns you want on the item’s cards.
Show as List

Create new view and select the option List on the Show as choices. Click the Create button.

Lists and Libraries Views

Below is an example of a List view.

List View
Show as Calendar

Create new view and select the option Calendar on the Show as choices. Select the columns you will use as a start and end end on the dropdown fields Start date on calendar and End date on calendar. You can choose any column as long as it is a Date Time metadata. Then click the Create button.

Lists and Libraries Views

Below is an example of a Calendar view.

SharePoint Calendar View
Show as Gallery

Create new view and select the option Gallery on the Show as choices. Click the Create button.

Lists and Libraries Views

Below is an example of a Gallery view. As you can see, it shows the items as cards.

Gallery View
Save view as

To save a view as a new view, click View Options on the right side of the list’s command bar. Then click Save View As.

Lists and Libraries Views
Lists and Libraries Views

Next, change the list name to the new view name. Check the checkbox Make This a Public View to make it a public view and uncheck the checkbox to make it a private view. Then click Save. The new view is now available.

Edit a view

You can also update a view if you have permissions. Open the view that you’ll be updating. Click the View Options menu and click Edit current view.

You will be redirected to this page. Update the view settings then click the OK button.

List View Settings

You can always update the settings of the View based on your preference. To setup the view, select the view on the View Options. Then click Edit Current View. You will be redirected to the Edit View page. Here are the settings available to the view:

SharePoint List View Settings

In here you can update the view display name and the link to the view.


This will show you all the available columns you can display on the view. You also have the sequence options of the columns.


This is where you can sort all the items displayed. Note that only two columns can be used to sort the record.


You can filter which items you want to show based on the columns. Compared to Sort, in Filter you can add more conditions / columns.

Tabular View

This setting will let you choose if you want to show the checkboxes for each item or not.

Group by

The same with Sort, you can only have 2 columns you can use to group items. You can set here if you want the grouped items be collapsed or expanded by default and the number of groups to be displayed per page.


This setting allows you to show the totals on items. Available totals functions are Count, Average, Maximum, Minimum, Sum, Std Deviation, and Variance.

Here’s an example view that uses the Totals:

We can see that it counted the number of fruits on the list and calculated the total quantity of all the fruits.


There are eight different styles you can use to display your view. Check out the styles below:


Folders will allow you to show the items without their folders or have them displayed inside their folders.

Item Limit

This will let you limit the items per display.


This setting is for the mobile view. You can enable / disable the view for mobile as well as make it as a default view for mobile only. You can also limit the number of items to display.

There’s a lot you can do with the out-of-the-box functionalities. You can play around with the List View Settings more to familiarize yourself with it. If you have questions on how to display your items on your view, leave a comment below and we’ll answer right away.

Have a nice day!

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