One of the most common issues that SharePoint users are having is “Why I don’t have access to this site? Can you give me access?” or “Wait, do you see anything? Cause I don’t see any files in this folder“. SharePoint’s sites permission structure is a little bit complicated, specially when your sites or files or lists is having a unique permissions. Sometimes when you removed a user permission to a site and is pretty sure that the user don’t have access anymore, but It turns out he still can see all the files. SharePoint permissions can get a lot messy when not administered properly so I really suggest, you still double check on sites and files permission even after you removed them from the site level permissions.
How to Check on users permission site collection wide
On the ribbon, click on the Check Permission button.
From there you can see a list of what is the permission a user has and from what group does this user is added. In this case, the user is able to Read and Edit files, page and list Site Collection Wide cause we are looking at the site collection level of permission.
How to Determine if that user has access to your list and document libraries?
You first need to go inside your specific list or document library, click on the gear on top rightmost corner above and click on ‘Library settings‘ for document library and “List settings” for SharePoint List.
Notice the buttons in the ribbon, it says ‘Manage Parent‘ and ‘Stop Inheriting Permission‘. That buttons identifies that your document library or list is inheriting the permission structure of the site collection.
Now let’s checking a permissions of a specific user have a same process on what we did on checking on the site collection.
Now that’s another tip from TipsByBits! This is just a small bit of a wide topics and things to consider on dealing with SharePoint permission issues but is really helpful as an initial process on figuring it out.
Hope it helps somehow. Let us know your thoughts or if you have anything let us know in the comments.
Happy SharePointing! #SharingIsCaring
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